
It's easy to integrate directly to your ESP. Here's how

Better Email supports a constantly growing list of ESPs that we have an API connection with, and support 1-click exports of emails to.

Supported integrations:

  • Active Campaign

  • Braze


  • Hubspot

  • Klaviyo

  • Mailchimp

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud

  • SAS Customer Intelligence

  • Sendy

  • Custom

If your ESP is not on the list, please contact us. We are constantly developing new integrations.

The Custom integration enables a simple copy/paste flow for ESPs we do not yet have a direct API integration with.

Add a new Integration

Only users with role Admin can create and edit integrations.

A form will show where you have to fill in a Name (for internal reference only, shown to the marketeer when exporting an Email).

You also have to chose a Type, one of our supported ESPs.

Check Enabled to activate the integration straight away.

Click Save. After saving, the form will refresh. Additional fields needed to activate the integration will show, such as API keys. This differs for each integration types.

After logging in and approving at Mailchimp, you will see the Integration as active on the Integrations page.

Exporting an Email to an Integration

Make sure you have at least 1 active integration.

Go to any Email, click Export and select the Integration you want to export to.

The Email will be immediately exported. If the export was successful, you will see a message confirming everything went right:

Last updated