Merge Tags

Many ESPs have support for merge tags or personalization variables, for example to write out a customers first name in the email.

The Alpaco Platform supports a Merge Tag feature, where you can add Merge Tags in Alpaco and define the matching merge tag code in the ESP/Integration.

Creating and using a Merge Tag

In the below example, we have added a Merge Tag with the name First Name. Alpaco automatically creates a tag that you can use within your templates to reference this merge tag, in this case it's [first_name].

For this newly created Merge Tag, I have to specify the corresponding tag in Mailchimp:

Now I can go ahead and use the tag [first_name] anywhere in my Template code:

<h1>Hello [first_name]!</h1>

When the Email is exported to Mailchimp, Alpaco will replace the [first_name] tag with the correct Mailchimp tag, *|FNAME|*:

<h1>Hello *|FNAME|*!</h1>

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